Benefits - Outcomes - results
Research shows that women who practice mindfulness & meditation have fewer menopausal symptoms…decreasing cortisol, the primary stress hormone, which helps reduce anxiety, stress, depression and other mental health conditions which you may experience during the menopause.
Research also shows that women who meditate had fewer menopausal symptoms…the increased level of cortisol (the stress hormone) is caused by physical & mental stress…meditation helps to lower the high levels of cortisol experienced in menopause & mental/physical stress.
Benefits of yoga in menopause - Yoga can have many benefits for people going through menopause, including symptoms like stress, anxiety, and low mood.
• Physical relief: Yoga can help with physical symptoms like hot flashes, joint and muscle aches, and insomnia.
• Improved sleep: Yoga can help improve sleep quality, especially if you wake up at night and have trouble falling back asleep.
• Bone and muscle health: Yoga can help maintain muscle mass and bone density.
• Heart health: Yoga can help boost heart health.
• Metabolism: Yoga can help reinvigorate a sluggish metabolism.
• Calming: Restorative yoga poses can be calming for the nervous system.
• Meditation: Meditation can help still the mind and improve sleep quality.
Results -
Practicing mindfulness and yoga during menopause can help with a variety of symptoms and improve overall well-being, including:
Stress reduction: Mindfulness can help regulate emotions and reduce stress, which can lead to a better mood.
Pain management: Mindfulness may help make pain-related symptoms more manageable.
Improved sleep: Meditation can improve sleep quality and efficiency.
Reduced hot flashes: Mindfulness practices like deep breathing and staying focused in the present can help ease hot flashes.
Improved heart health: Meditation can have beneficial effects on heart-related conditions.
Reduced depression: Meditation can help improve depression.
Mind-body therapies like yoga and meditation can also help decrease sympathetic activation, which may contribute to the development and exacerbation of menopausal symptoms.
Outcomes -
Through my course you will gain techniques through mindfulness based stress reduction, mediation & yoga to help you ease & cope with the menopause symptoms...(as listed above) you will feel more peaceful/balanced/reduce hot flushes/reduce stress & anxiety/depression/reduce cortisol levels (the stress hormone), you will be guided in each lesson (module) how to use mindfulness & meditation when feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, hot flushes, sleepless nights, stressed, pain, headaches, muscle pain, forgetfulness, weight gain.
Guided videos/tutorials/reading/worksheets formal & informal activities to help you build up a self practice. Diet advice & herbal alternatives to help with symptoms. You will gain strength & balance in your life, able to cope with the menopause symptoms better & feel more peaceful & in harmony with your body...through yin yoga you will strengthen bone density, release muscle tension, connect with the earths elements & work with the meridian lines in the will feel empowered & mentally stronger to rise above menopause symptoms.
My upcoming online course - benefits, outcomes, results...keep a check here...coming soon
Mindful Menopause Balancing & Healing...
Transformation you will achieve from doing my course...point A
feeling helpless/headaches/sleepless nights/weight gain/muscle aches & pains/bone density (oesteoporosis)/brain fog/memory/hot flushes/stress/anxiety/depression/exhaustion/fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue & all menopause associated symptoms.
after completing my course - point B
You will gain techniques on how to help & ease these will feel less stressed, reduce anxiety, help muscle aches & pains, strengthen bones, ease hot flushes, sleep better, improve brain fog & memory, you will feel more flexible, inner peace & harmony, balanced & empowered to flourish & nourish through menopause.