Pranayama...Breath of Life...Life energies
"Prana" - Life energy
"yama" - control
Pranayama is the practice of breath regulation. It's main component of yoga, breath work for physical and mental wellness. In Sanskrit, "Prana" means life energy and "Yama" means control. The practice of pranayama involves breathing exercises and patterns. It originates from yogic practices in India.
Benefits of Pranayama...
1...Decreases STRESS
2...Improve sleep quality
3...Increases Mindfulness
4...Reduces high Blood pressure
5...Improves lung function
6...Enhances cognitive performance
7...Aids in quieting the mind into meditation practice.
Withdrawal into self (pratyahara) is cutting the bond of becoming through entering into the supreme place; and meditation (dhyana) means... focusing on the unchanging Lord and thereby having one's own consciousness as the object of meditation.
Mindfulness is a practice that we carry with wherever we go, whereas meditation is more of an exercise. Both work to help our well-being and live more in the present moment.
We practice pranayama through both Hatha, Yin Yoga & mindfulness practices...flowing into meditation.
I also teach seperate classes on Pranayama & into deep meditation.